Organizational Culture Evaluation

Shape a Culture that Drives Success

Your culture’s defined by norms, behaviors, and who you hire and fire. We develop your culture, so it attracts the right people and fosters a dynamic environment, by examining values, behaviors, and workplace norms, by using surveys, assessments, data benchmarks & interviews.

  • Comprehensive Culture Audits: we use proprietary assessments and data-driven methods to assess your company culture.
  • Culture Fit: we evaluate employees and new hire alignment with your top performers and norms.
  • Actionable Insights: get detailed, actionable recommendations for building a high-performing culture whether it’s remote or hybrid.

What it means

Go from uncertainty, friction and errors resulting in turnover and underperformance to better aligned, functioning teams and fewer headaches. Startups, in our opinion, is where culture truly matters for persevering, growing and scaling. The greatest companies of the world — Google, AirBnB, Zappos, Stripe — have focused on PEOPLE and CULTURE and PRODUCT more than anything else. That’s why they were and are great places to work, make an impact and grow. To help you get near that ideal you need a mission and vision, and people aligned with it through culture. That’s why during our engagements we measure the values, motivations, character, communication styles and culture preferences of your team members.

Talent.CEO’s Team Culture Process

Onboarding Call 

We start with an onboarding call to understand your company's values, challenges, and goals, ensuring our approach aligns with your vision for a high-performing culture. 

Team Culture Benchmarking 

Our assessments benchmark your current culture against industry norms and top performers, identifying areas where your team excels and where adjustments are needed. 

Workplace & Manager Surveys 

We gather insights from employee and manager surveys, assessing workplace dynamics, leadership effectiveness, and cultural alignment within the team. 


(Optional) Through one-on-one interviews, we explore team members’ values, motivations, and communication styles, deepening our understanding of your culture. 

Analysis, Feedback, Recommendations 

We provide a detailed report with actionable insights and tailored recommendations for building a stronger, more aligned culture.


(Optional) Our hands-on workshops help implement cultural improvements, fostering better alignment, collaboration, and a thriving workplace environment. 

Engagement Rules & Pricing

Custom. Every company is different.